Mar 11, 2013
Welcome to Junior High/Middle School Camp!
I am in Atlanta for training to become a Walk Thru the Bible instructor. So while I am away from my beloved Safe Haven family, I offer to you this bonus podcast, recorded last summer at Hartland Christian Camp.
My goal in this message was to paint a portrait for these precious students of just how much God loves them... AND YOU!
To do so, I chose one of the most beloved of all of the parables that Jesus taught. Care to make a guess?
I will dare to make this bold prediction: If you listen in to this podcast, you will come away with a whole new and fresh appreciation for what it truly means to be loved unconditionally.
To be loved by a God who does not love you if... Or love you when... Or love you because... You will hear what it means to be loved by your God who loves you, period. No qualifications. No caveats. No conditions. He just loves you!
Which is exactly what it means to be loved unconditionally.
As you can probably tell, I am THRILLED that you are joining us for this podcast discussion.
PLEASE NOTE: With some browsers, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to play.