Dec 24, 2017
It has become THE iconic image of Christmas: a Manger scene.
And as you will hear in this PODCAST, so iconic that hand-carved Manger Scenes are far-and-away the #1 hot seller when I take people to my favorite olive wood shop in Bethlehem.
A Manger Scene.
Even though everything about it is absolutely wrong.
No knock on the artisans who hand-craft these treasured keepsakes. But you see, it’s all about a picture. An iconic picture.
Manger Scenes paint pictures in wood.
Luke painted a picture in words. And Luke’s picture, when properly understood, is SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL than any hand-crafted manger scene could ever hope to be.
It is simply an undeniable fact, an inconvenient truth, that from Luke’s quill and parchment to our wooden manger scenes today, so much has been lost!
And we are the poorer for it.
But not anymore. Not after hearing this podcast.
Merry Christmas, from my heart to yours.
Please remember that depending upon your web browser and connection speed, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.
God bless you richly as you listen.