Mar 30, 2015
I want to show you something that I discovered this week. A treasure of a truth that is so practical and so refreshing. Especially in light of this discussion that we began last week.
As you will hear in this PODCAST, we are asking a vitally important question, this in light of Jesus’ words to His apostles:
Mar 23, 2015
Welcome to one of the most practical and profitable passages in all of the Gospels.
As you will hear in this PODCAST, Jesus’ words hit us right where we live. I mean, this goes right to the heart of who we are as Christ-followers, how we interact with our world, and how the world consequently perceives us.
Mar 16, 2015
So here’s my question: If you were Jesus, and you wanted to convey the idea in a way that no one could possibly miss,
That you loved someone…
That you cared about someone more than they could ever even begin to imagine…
That you would be there for that person No.Matter.What…
That in their loneliest...
Mar 9, 2015
As you will hear in this PODCAST, I have now reached a point in my life and ministry where I am easily bemused. Bemused by a question that I more and more frequently get asked.
When I am out speaking at a camp or a conference, often times a young man or woman just starting out in the ministry, or headed for his...
Mar 2, 2015
It is without a doubt THE single most unpleasant topic in all of the Bible. The subject of this week’s PODCAST: God’s wrath.
We discuss it here because here in Matthew 10, Jesus made reference to the iconic display of God’s wrath: the twin-cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
And for good measure, Jesus...