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Dewey Bertolini's podcast

Jun 26, 2016

One more week of camp. So one more Encore Podcast.

My heart goes out to Mother Mary.

Her name means “Bitterness.” Sadly, and quite frankly, in many ways Mary lived up to her name. 

Being the mother of Jesus was no small task. One that she fulfilled with great dignity. But boy did she face her challenges.

In this

Jun 19, 2016

I’m off doing my camp speaking thing. (I sure would appreciate your prayers: for me, but especially for the campers who are stuck having to listen to me for the week. But I digress.)

Anyway, in this PODCAST, you will learn one singularly simple concept which, if you take it to heart, will change your life forever.


Jun 12, 2016

To be perfectly honest with you, the passage here in Matthew 21 is coming -- for me,at least -- at just the right time. And perhaps for you as well.

Given the current political climate in our beloved country, and the increasing despair that I have felt as the presidential primary season has now concluded, I so...

Jun 5, 2016

Welcome to Monday of Jesus’ last week, His Passion week, the final few days leading up to His coming crucifixion.

As you will hear in this PODCAST, At the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, way back in John 2 (Podcast #21), Jesus cleansed the Temple for the first time. Now here in Mark 11, at the very end of His...